Restovision is a restaurant app with a game-like UI that encourages customers to scan QR codes at partner restaurants.
The app features a map of partner restaurants, with each restaurant represented by a QR code. When a customer scans a QR code, they are taken to a page with information about the restaurant, as well as a wheel of fortune. The wheel of fortune can be spun to win free gifts, such as free burgers, sandwiches, or headphones.
Chloe is a sales manager for a large technology company. She lives in Lyon with her husband and two children. Chloe is passionate about food and loves to try new restaurants. She is also a big fan of casual takeout lunch.
She has 40 years old and works as an Sales manager. See has a Bachelor Degree in Economics and works for a large company.
Want to have fun.
Wants to try new food.
Wants to save some money.
Works a 9 to 5 full remote job in Lyon.
Chloe is always looking for discounts and new restaurants to try.
She is a big fan of casual takeout lunch.
A user flow is a visual representation of the steps that a user takes to complete a task on a website or app. It is a way of understanding how users interact with your product and identifying any areas that may be causing problems.
The app features a game-like UI that is designed to be both visually appealing and easy to use. When a customer scans a QR code, they are taken to a page with information about the restaurant, as well as a wheel of fortune. The wheel of fortune can be spun to win free gifts, such as free burgers, sandwiches, or headphones.
The app also features a leaderboard that tracks the number of QR codes that each customer has scanned. The customer with the most scanned QR codes at the end of the month wins a grand prize, such as a free dinner for two at a partner restaurant.
A wireframe is a low-fidelity, visual representation of the layout of a website or app. It is a quick and easy way to sketch out the basic structure of a page without worrying about the details of the design. Wireframes are often used in the early stages of the design process to help designers and stakeholders collaborate and get feedback on the layout of a page.
After some brainstorming, me and the client agreed with the following wireframes:
For this project, I chose a sans serif font named Noto Sans because it is a high-quality, open-source font that is available in over 1,000 languages. Noto Sans is a versatile font that can be used for a variety of purposes, from headlines to body copy. It is also easy to read on screens and in print.
Prototype is a working model of a product that can be used to demonstrate and test the product’s functionality and user interface.
In the case of this particular design, the prototype showcases the flow the client will have. By providing a tangible representation of the design, the prototype helps to communicate the project’s vision and provides valuable feedback for further development.